the Tasteof Goldis eternal

We know that a healthy sturgeon is a happy sturgeon, therefore we ensure that our fish swim in fresh water in outdoor pools fitted with natural bases (only the sides are pre-formed). This method of construction is used in our Austrian farms and exposes our sturgeon to the natural elements and a more native living and breeding environment. We couple this with a unique diet of Siberian Gold Caviar's pellets, which stimulate the natural feeding process. We pride ourselves on the fact that our caviar is never farmed before the second spawning and our fish live for at least 12-14 years allowing them time to reabsorb their roe, thus creating a far superior quality of egg for the next harvest.

We boast the freshest caviar in the market and unlike other caviar brands we don't store our stock due to our unique farming methods allowing us to harvest our product all year round. Once an order is placed we harvest the eggs straight from the sturgeon, tin the product, and send the order ensuring our customers receive the finest, freshest produce by 12pm the following day.